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ケーラー/35の練習曲 op.33 No.2《輸入フルート楽譜》

he Flutist’s Progress op.33 vol.2

商品番号 WL1201

グレード 中級

出版社 Zimmermann


¥3,267税込 ¥3,630税込
作曲者 Ernesto Koehler(エルネスト・ケーラー)
シリーズ 木管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 フルート
校訂者 Werner Richter
校訂者訳 ヴェルナー・リヒター
解説 Stimulating Exercises for the Flute
12 moderately difficult pieces
ERNESTO KOHLERS most popular educational work Der Fortschritt im Flotenspiel (The Flutists Progress) displays all the qualities that made Kohler so very much admired by flautists during his own lifetime. His melodic spontaneity and high-quality musical setting can also be found in the reworked and re-engraved 2nd Volume. In it, Kohler demonstrates that continual work on articulation, the ligature of difficult intervals and the grasping of complex musical forms does not mean playing pleasure has to be forfeited.
編成 Flute
