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プラネル/ロマンティック組曲 2.踊り子たち(アルト・サクソフォーン)《輸入サックス楽譜》

Suite Romantique No.2 Danseuses

商品番号 WL1138

出版社 Alphonse Leduc


¥3,762税込 ¥4,180税込
作曲者 Robert Planel(ロベール・プラネル)
シリーズ 木管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 アルト・サックス/ピアノ
ページ数 4
解説 Dancers is the second volume of a set of six pieces called Romantic Suite. Composed by Robert Planel for alto saxophone and piano, this second piece is for intermediate players. In Dancers, the piano starts on its own but is soonjoined by the saxophone. The piece is divided in five parts, the first one being the main theme which is later repeated as the last one. The tempo is quite fast on most of the piece, except for the third section. The full set ofsix volumes features: 1. Italian Serenade 2. Dancers 3. Sad Song 4. Feeling Waltz 5. Christmas story 6. Muleteer’s song. Robert Planel (1908-1994) was a French musician and pedagogue.
解説2 「プラネル/ロマンティック組曲」は以下の6曲から成っています:
1. Italian Serenade(別売り。商品番号:WL1137)
2. Dancers(本編)
3. Sad Song(別売り。商品番号:WL1139)
4. FeelingWaltz(別売り。商品番号:WL1140)
5. Christmas story(別売り。商品番号:WL1141)
6. Muleteer’s song(別売り。商品番号:WL1142)
編成 Alto Sax/Piano
