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メンデルスゾーン/「最初のワルプルギスの夜」作品60 ヨハン・ヴォルフガング・フォン・ゲーテの詞に寄せて(原典版)(ヴォーカルスコア)

The First Walpurgis Night op. 60 Ballade by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

商品番号 VOC1648

グレード 3

演奏時間 35分00秒

出版社 Baerenreiter


¥4,257税込 ¥4,730税込
作曲者 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy(フェリックス・メンデルスゾーン)
シリーズ 声楽(クラシック)
編成概要 独唱/混声合唱/オーケストラ
ページ数 100
校訂者 Cooper, John Michael
解説 27,0 x 19,0 cm
解説2 - One of Mendelssohn’s most important secular works in an edition reflecting the latest research findings
- B renreiter Urtext for the Mendelssohn anniversary year 2009
- Critical Commentary (Eng)

During the summer of 1799, Goethe wrote his ballad “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” and asked his friend Carl Friedrich Zelter to set the work to music. Zelter however, felt unable to do this, and so Goethe’s wish was only realised thirty years later by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. The “heavenly words” of the pagan ballads had impressed the composer so much after a visit to Weimar, that he was inspired to set them to music. In 1832 the composition took shape and was performed a year later in the Sing-Akademie in Berlin.

Mendelssohn was, however, unhappy with the first version of the work and held it back, until he decided on a radical revision of the work ten years after its premiere.

“Die erste Walpurgisnacht” was first performed in 1843 in Leipzig, in the presence of Robert Schumann and Hector Berlioz, in the form in which the work is still performed today.

The publication of this edition by John Michael Cooper makes the work available in an Urtext edition for the first time. The edition reflects the latest state of research, and the volume includes a Critical Commentary.

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