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この鼓動に終わりなし (ソーシード) 吹奏楽譜

To This Heartbeat There Is No End

商品番号 UN1278

グレード 5

演奏時間 6分

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥17,721税込 ¥19,690税込
作曲者 Richard L. Saucedo(リチャード・ソーシード)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 In one form or another, Hurricane Katrina affected all our lives. In the fall of 2005, the Mississippi Bandmasters Association commissioned Richard Saucedo to write this work for wind band. In the words of the composer, this is “a tribute to those who lost their lives, to those who saved lives, and to those who continue to persevere in the aftermath...” A wealth of musical effects-from the timpani “heartbeat” to the fury of the storm to the sense of determined optimism-all contribute to make this an unforgettable concert experience. Includes extensive percussion scoring as well as piano and optional harp. Dur: 6:00 (Includes Full Performance CD)
編成 Conductor Score (Full Score)
Flute 1
Flute 2
Oboe 1
Oboe 2
Bassoon 1
Bassoon 2
Contra Bassoon
Eb Clarinet
Bb Clarinet 1
Bb Clarinet 2
Bb Clarinet 3
Bb Bass Clarinet
Eb Alto Saxophone 1
Eb Alto Saxophone 2
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Eb Baritone Saxophone
Bb Trumpet 1
Bb Trumpet 2
Bb Trumpet 3
F Horn 1 & 2
F Horn 3 & 4
Trombone 1
Trombone 2
Trombone 3
Baritone B.C.
Baritone T.C.
String Bass
Percussion 1
Percussion 2
Mallet Percussion 1
Mallet Percussion 2
