現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,408件 輸入楽譜58,015件


ファウンドリー(マッキー) 吹奏楽譜


商品番号 UN1127

グレード 3

演奏時間 4分

出版社 Osti Music

発送までの目安:8日 31日

¥33,462税込 ¥37,180税込
作曲者 John Mackey(ジョン・マッキー)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 「吹奏楽のための交響曲 ワインダーク・シー」や「レッドライン・タンゴ 」で有名なジョン・マッキーの作品。

編成 Instrumentation:
2 Flutes
3 Clarinets in Bb
Bass Clarinet in Bb
2 Alto Saxes
Tenor Sax
Baritone Sax
3 Trumpets in Bb
2 French Horns
3 Trombones

Percussion: (12 players preferred) *

Timpani (tuning, low-to-high : G, Bb, D, A)
4 resonant, rattling piles of metal or other rattling metal objects,such as train rails with other metal leaned on top. Must have some resonance.
”Clang” - a metal instrument, probably struck with a hammer, that creates a rich (ie, deep, not pingy) ”clang” sound. Could be a metal pipe, or a brake drum with a bell plate on top, etc. Do not simply use a brake drum.
4 wooden objects, unpitched (something like temple blocks or wood blocks, or 4 wooden salad bowls)
4 metal mixing bowls, suspended or placed in a way that they are allowed to resonate, or, various gongs with unclear specific pitches (must be able to be dampened)
Whip (or other wooden, unpitched, bright sound with immediate decay and no ring)
4 cymbals : 1 Splash cymbal, 1 suspended crash cymbal, and 2 different-sized China-like cymbals (could be two pairs of stacked/nested cymbals)
4 tom-toms and 1 kevlar drum (or snare drum in place of kevlar drum)
Wind gong (or other large cymbal, rich in color, that speaks quickly and can be quickly choked, or, a thundersheet, shaken instead of struck)
Bass drum

* It is preferred that all percussion parts be assigned, even if it means ”borrowing” players from other sections of the ensemble that may be otherwise ”over-staffed.” The exception is the trombone section, which must not be thinned.) If any percussion parts must be omitted, the marimba, wind gong, and whip parts should be the first cut.
