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クレメンティ/6つのソナタ op.36(中級ピアノ)【CD付】《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

Clementi: Six Sonatinas, Opus 36

商品番号 PNC716

グレード 中級

出版社 Alfred


¥3,168税込 ¥3,520税込
作曲者 Muzio Clementi(ムツィオ・クレメンティ)
シリーズ ピアノ(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ
収録曲リスト Sonatina in C Major [Op. 36, No. 1]/Sonatina in C Major [Op. 36, No. 3]/Sonatina in D Major [Op. 36, No. 6]/Sonatina in F Major [Op. 36, No. 4]/Sonatina in G Major [Op. 36, No. 2]/Sonatina in G Major [Op. 36, No. 5]
ページ数 64
校訂者 Willard A. Palmer
校訂者訳 ウィラード・A・パルマー
解説 ピアニスト、キム・オライリーによる模範演奏CD付き。

This edition of the ”Six Sonatinas, Op. 36” is based on the first printing, published by Clementi himself. In addition to Clementi’s own articulations, fingerings and ornaments presented in dark print, additional performance suggestions by Dr. Palmer appear in light gray print. These guidelines were drawn from Clementi’s companion work, ”Introduction to the Art of Playing on the Pianoforte”, first published in 1801. The Alfred Masterwork Library CD Editions conveniently combine each exceptional volume with a professionally recorded CD that is sure to inspire artistic performances.

Pianist Kim O’Reilly Newman holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Illinois. She has performed throughout North America and Europe with the Hambro Quartet of Pianos and was an editor and recording pianist for Alfred Music. Kim is a brain tumor survivor and now specializes in performing music for the left hand.
編成 Piano
