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はじめてのピアノ・ベートーヴェン作品集(中級ピアノ) 《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

First Book for Pianists

商品番号 PNC587

グレード 中級

出版社 Alfred


¥1,287税込 ¥1,430税込
作曲者 Ludwig van Beethoven(ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン)
シリーズ ピアノ(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ
収録曲リスト Country Dance [WoO 11, No. 2] Ludwig van Beethoven/ ccossaise [WoO 23] Ludwig van Beethoven/Lustig, Traurig (Joyful, Sorrowful) [WoO 54] Ludwig van Beethoven/Menuet in C [WoO 10, No. 1] Ludwig van Beethoven/Menuet in D [WoO 10, No. 5] Ludwig van Beethoven/Menuet in G [WoO 10, No. 2] Ludwig van Beethoven /Sonata in G (Second Movement) [Op. 49, No. 2] Ludwig van Beethoven/Sonatina in G Ludwig van Beethoven/Two Country Dances [WoO 15, No. 1] Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者 Willard A. Palmer
校訂者訳 ウィラード・A・パルマー
解説 This diverse collection contains dances (including the ”Menuet in G”), the ”Sonatina in G,” and ”Lustig, Traurig.” Each piece is presented in its original form with Beethoven’s markings clearly indicated. Three portraits of Beethoven are provided, and Dr. Palmer’s background material describes staccato and legato markings in the composer’s works. Designed for intermediate-level pianists, the volume is excellent preparation for the study of Beethoven’s sonatinas, bagatelles and easier variation set.
編成 Piano
