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ドヴォルザーク/ピアノ五重奏 op.81(マイナスワンCD付)《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

Dvorak - Quintet in A major Opus 81

商品番号 PNC3697

出版社 Music Minus One


¥4,158税込 ¥4,620税込
作曲者 Antonin Dvorak (アントニン・ドヴォルザーク)
シリーズ ピアノ(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ
ページ数 85
解説 Dvorak gave the piano a heavy involvement in this beautiful chamber work. The second movement is patterned after the “Dumka” dance form. Beautiful melodies, wonderful orchestration. A quintet of rare quality. In short, wonderful music! Includes a complete, high-quality printed music score; and a compact disc, voluminously indexed for ease of practice, containing a complete performance with soloist, then performed again with accompaniments only, minus you, the soloist.
解説2 ※出版社都合により、納期にお時間をいただく場合がございます
編成 Piano
