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Capriccio for Tuba

商品番号 BL946

グレード 4

演奏時間 9分

出版社 Winwood Music


作曲者 Rodney Newton(ロドニー・ニュートン)
シリーズ 金管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 テューバ/ピアノ
解説 世界中で根強い人気のあるテューバ協奏曲。初演はオーケストラ版ですが、ピアノ版、吹奏楽版も人気があります。

This delightful tuba solo has become a firm favourite all over the world in its brass band, wind band, and piano versions (an orchestral version by the composer is also available on hire). Written for James Gourlay (who premiered the orchestral version in 2005) Capriccio is by turns bold and purposeful, broody and romantic. With a couple of short cadenzas neatly woven into the structure it is effectively a nine-minute concerto with a proven track record with players and audiences. Now available in versions for piano, brass band, concert band, and orchestra, Capriccio can be seen as an important contribution to the literature for the instrument.
編成 Tuba/Piano
