作曲者 | Allen Vizzutti(アレン・ビズッティ) |
シリーズ | 金管ソロ(クラシック) |
編成概要 | ユーフォニアム |
ページ数 | 52 |
解説 | It is a pity that most of the great classical composers died before the euphonium became popularly known! Just imagine a Mozart or Beethoven Euphonium Concerto with orchestra. But many of the great classical pieces sound wonderful on the euphonium. In this book we present a wide range of classical music. Here is your chance to experiment a little, as Steven Mead did on the CD, to make it sound reasonably authentic. |
解説2 | 《収録曲》 Tango (Albeniz) Rigaudon (Grieg) Cebell (Clarke) Espana (Chabrier) Rondo alla Turca (Mozart) etc |
編成 | Euphonium |