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ドヴォルザーク/弦楽合奏のための夜想曲 変ロ長調 作品40(原典版)(スコア・パート譜セット)《輸入弦楽合奏楽譜》

Nocturne for String Orchestra in B major op. 40

商品番号 SEB179

グレード 2

出版社 Baerenreiter


¥7,425税込 ¥8,250税込
作曲者 Antonin Dvorak(アントニン・ドヴォルザーク)
シリーズ 弦楽アンサンブル
編成概要 弦楽合奏
ページ数 9.33333333333333E+015
校訂者 H jek, Jon
校訂者訳 ヨナーシュ・ハーイェク
解説 31,0 x 24,3 cm
解説2 The discovery of a lost source to Anton n Dvor k’s “Nocturne” in B major op. 40 provides new insights into the genesis of the composition and the composer’s intended final form of this lyrical little piece for string orchestra.

The musical material of what was later to be named “Nocturne” was initially elaborated in the String Quartet in E minor; subsequently it was used in the original version of the String Quintet in G major as its second movement. However Dvor k then extracted it again, expanding and editing it afresh. The final result was the “Nocturne” for string orchestra (two violins, viola, violoncello, double bass). The first edition was published by Bote & Bock in 1883.

The authorized second copy of the work that had served as a template for the first printing was discovered by the editor Jon H jek in a privately owned collection. This enabled him to resolve the several ambiguities caused by the existence of multiple versions and to unveil the authentic “Nocturne”.
編成 String orchestra

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