現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件



Roger Quilter: 56 Songs/Low Voice

商品番号 VOC26

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥4,752税込 ¥5,280税込
編曲者 Richard Walters(リチャード・ウェルタース)
作曲者 Roger Quilter(ロジャー・クィルター)
シリーズ 声楽(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ/ヴォーカル/ギター
収録曲リスト A good child (Quilter)/A Last Year’s Rose (Quilter)/A Secret (Quilter)/April (Quilter)/Autumn Evening (Quilter)/Barbara Allen (Quilter)/Blow, blow, thou winter wind (Quilter)/Brown is my love (Quilter)/By a Fountainside (Quilter)/By the Sea (Quilter)/Cherry Ripe (Quilter)/Cherry Valley (Quilter)/Come away, death (Quilter)/Come Back! (Quilter)/Damask Roses (Quilter)/Daybreak (Quilter)/DREAM VALLEY (QUILTER)/Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes (Quilter)/Fair House of Joy (Quilter)/Faithless Shepherdess, The (Quilter)/Fear no more the heat o’ the sun (Quilter)/Hey, Ho, the Wind and the Rain (Quilter)/I will go with my father a-ploughing (Quilter)_/I wish and I wish (Quilter)/In the highlands (Quilter)/Interlude (Quilter)/It was a lover and his lass (Quilter)/Julia’s Hair (Quilter)/June (Quilter)/Lamplighter, The (Quilter)/Love’s Philosophy (Quilter)/Maiden Blush, The (Quilter)/Moonlight (Quilter)/My Life’s Delight (Quilter)/Night Piece, The (Quilter)/NOW SLEEPS THE CRIMSON PETAL (QUILTER)/O MISTRESS MINE (QUILTER)/Over the land is April (R. Quilter)/Over the Mountains (Quilter)/Prelude (Quilter)/Sea-Bird, The (Quilter)/Song of the Blackbird (Quilter)/Spring is at the door, The (Quilter)/Take, o take those lips away (Quilter)/The Bracelet (Quilter)/The Jocund Dance (Quilter)/The Jolly Miller (Quilter)/The Valley and the Hill (Quilter)/Three Poor Mariners (Quilter)/Through the sunny garden (Quilter)/To Daisies (Quilter)/To Wine and Beauty (Quilter)/Under the greenwood tree (Quilter)/Weep you no more (Quilter)/Where be you going? (Quilter)/Where Go the Boats (Quilter)/Wild Flower’s Song, The (Quilter)
ページ数 232
解説 イギリスの作曲家であるロジャー・クィルターの、英語の詩による低声用のコレクションです。彼の代表作でもある“4つの海の歌”、“3つの歌曲”、“3つのシェイクスピア歌曲”等、他にも美しい作品が多数収められています。ハル・レナード版。
解説2 「Vocal Collection」シリーズ....ピアノ二段譜とヴォーカル譜の載った楽譜です。弾き語りや歌の伴奏などにどうぞ。
編成 Solo Vocal
