作曲者 | Philip Wilby(フィリップ・ウィルビー) |
シリーズ | 声楽(クラシック) |
編成概要 | 声楽/ピアノ |
解説 | 大変めずらしい、声楽とブラスバンドのための作品です。 4つの楽章は「Time to admit my altar is a desk」「Two forces rule the Universe」「There was a pious man」「If God survives us, will His kingdom come?」と題されています。 Pieces for voice and brass band are rare, so Unholy Sonnets, with provocative words by Mark Jarman, occupies an unusual place in the repertory. The four movements are: ‘Time to admit my altar is a desk’, ‘Two forces rule the Universe’, ‘There was a pious man’, and ‘If God survives us, will His kingdom come?’ Also available with piano. |
編成 | Solo Voice/Piano |