編曲者 | H Nicholl(H・ニコル) |
作曲者 | Johann Sebastian Bach(ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハ) |
シリーズ | ヴォーカルスコア(SCV) |
編成概要 | 合唱/ピアノ/SATB |
収録曲リスト | Tis I, my sin (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Ah! now is my Jesus gone (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Ah, dearest Jesu (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Ah, woe! (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Alas, my Jesus (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Be still (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Bleed and break (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Come, blessed Cross (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Come, my heart (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Come, ye daughters (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Entrust thy ways (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/For love now is my Saviour (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Give me back my Jesus (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Gladly will I take (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Grief and pain (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Haste ye! (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Have I Also From Thee (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Here bide we still (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/I would be with my Jesus (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/I’ll stand here close (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Is my weeping (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Lord, to Thee my heart (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Not upon the feast (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Now upon that feast (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/O Head so sorely (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/O man, bewail (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Remember me, my Saviour (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/So has the world (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Thy mercy, Lord (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/To what purpose (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/What God hath willed (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/What wonders rare (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/When comes my hour (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Where wilt thou (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)/Who was it so did strike (Bach-St.Matthew Passion) |
ページ数 | 240 |
解説 | シャーマー版のマタイ受難曲。マタイによる福音書からイエスの受難を描いた曲です。バッハの声楽作品の中では最も重要な位置を占める作品と言っても過言ではない大曲です。中でも有名な受難のコラールが心に響きます。(Arranger: H Nicholl) |
解説2 | ※言語は英語となっております※ |
編成 | Choral/Chorus/Piano/SATB |