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フェイバー・ピアノ・アドベンチャーズ: Level 2B-テクニック&アーティスト(第2版)(初級ピアノ)《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

Faber Piano Adventures - Level 2B - Technique & Artistry - 2nd Edition

商品番号 PNP8051

グレード 初級

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥1,643税込 ¥1,980税込
編曲者 Nancy Faber/Randall Faber(ナンシー・フェイバー/ランダル・フェイバー)
シリーズ ピアノ(教則本)
編成概要 ピアノ
収録曲リスト Autumn Colors/Backward Somersaults (for LH)/Badminton Game/Carillon Bells/Carousel Ride/Changing Lanes/Etude in C/Fancy Footwork for LH/Forward Somersaults (for RH)/Grand Waltz in F/High-Rise Window Washer/House of Mirrors/Ice Hockey/London Bridge (for RH)/London Bridge Rhythm (for LH)/Lookout Mountain (for LH alone)/Major I and V7 chords - D Major/Maracas!/Minor I and V7 Chords - D Minor/Nickel in the Dryer/Owl in the Woods (A Minor)/Painted Pony/Pedal Magic for RH/Penny in the Washer/Pep Rally/Rip Roarin’ Rag/Sights on Sixth Ave./Snowball Scales (for LH)/Snowball Scales (for RH)/Sunshine, Raindrops/Swiss Music Box/The Hurdy-Gurdy (The Street Organ)/Tiger by the Tail!/Tightrope Walk/Turning Corners/Waltzing LH/Waltzing RH/Water Skiers/Winter Wind (C Minor)
ページ数 40
解説 Enhancements to the 2nd Edition Level 2B Technique & Artistry Book include emphasis on pattern recognition, new teacher duets for several Artistry Magic pieces, and a new exercise to prepare students for playing chord changes. The four effective technique secrets are used as warm-ups throughout the book.
編成 Piano/Keyboard
