現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件



Gospel’s Greatest

商品番号 JZB1988

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥8,674税込 ¥10,450税込
シリーズ ジャズ曲集
収録曲リスト Amazing Grace/At the Cross/Because He Lives/Behold the Lamb/Blessed Assurance/Church in the Wildwood/The Day He Wore My Crown/Give Me That Old Time Religion/He Looked Beyond My Fault/He Touched Me/Heavenly Sunlight/His Eye Is on the Sparrow/Holy Ground/How Great Thou Art/I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy/I Saw the Light/I’d Rather Have Jesus/In the Garden/Joshua (Fit the Battle of Jericho)/Just a Little Talk with Jesus/Lord, I’m Coming Home/Midnight Cry/Morning Has Broken/My Tribute/Near the Cross/The Old Rugged Cross/Precious Memories/Rock of Ages/Shall We Gather at the River?/There Is Power in the Blood/We Shall Wear a Crown/What a Friend We Have in Jesus/and hundreds more!
ページ数 296
解説 ゴスペルの素晴らしい名曲が449曲も収録されています。ピアノ、ボーカル、ギター、およびすべてのC楽器対応のメロディーが含まれています。
