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メンデルスゾーン/讃歌‐聖書の言葉による交響カンタータ 作品52  MWV A 18 A(交響曲第2番 変ロ長調)(原典版)(スコアのみ)

Lobgesang / Hymn of Praise op. 52 MWV A 18 A Symphony-Cantata after Texts from the Holy Scriptures

商品番号 SCO582

出版社 Baerenreiter


¥25,245税込 ¥28,050税込
作曲者 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy(フェリックス・メンデルスゾーン)
シリーズ オーケストラスコア
編成概要 独唱(2S,T)/混声合唱/オーケストラ/オルガン
ページ数 304
校訂者 Cooper, John Michael
解説 31,0 x 24,3 cm
解説2 - Urtext edition taking all sources into account
- Piano reduction by the composer including his piano version of the “Sinfonia”
- Extensive Foreword (Ger/Eng) and detailed Critical Commentary (Eng)

Mendelssohn’s contemporaries frequently mentioned his “Hymn of Praise” in the same breath as Beethoven’s Ninth and often enough viewed it as an imitation. Mendelssohn authority John Michael Cooper, in his extensive Introduction to this new Urtext edition, shows that the comparison is completely unfounded: with this work Mendelssohn created a new genre to which he gave the name “symphony-cantata”. Later he added a secular counterpart with “Die Erste Walpurgisnacht”.

Drawing on all relevant sources, Cooper provides a detailed account of the genesis and structure of this monumental work. Rounding off his scholarly performing edition are notes on the work’s performance, e.g. tempo, articulation and dynamics.
編成 Soprano solo (2), Tenor solo, Mixed choir (SATB), Orchestra

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