現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件



Suite From Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Oboe

商品番号 WS226

グレード 4

演奏時間 8分7秒

出版社 Editions Marc Reift


編曲者 Jan Valta(ヤン・ヴァルタ)
シリーズ 木管ソロ(ポップス/ロック)
編成概要 オーボエ/ピアノ
解説 『キングダムカム・デリバランス』は、2018年にチェコのゲームスタジオ「ウォーホース スタジオ」制作によるストーリー主導のオープンワールドRPG。プレイヤーは不当に命を落とした両親の仇を討つべく、歴史を変えるクエストに挑み、自身の影響力を広め、仇である強大な力に復讐します。以下の曲で構成:

Skalitz 1403
People Of The Land
Dream About Father
Brotherhood Of Bravery


Kingdom Come-Deliverance is a video game whose story is set in Bohemia in the year 1403. You play the game as Henry, the son of a blacksmith who has lost everything: his parents, his home and his honour. Throughout the adventurous story, you seek revenge, but you also try to find your place in this intricate world.

This game was developed by Warhorse Studios, founded by Daniel V vra and Martin Kl ma, legendary Czech game developers. In 2014, Daniel invited me to his team as the main composer. It was a long and exciting journey not only for Henry, but for all of us. But at the end, there was a game which has sold over 3 million copies worldwide up till now.

The game soundtrack consists of more than 6 hours of music. I am very happy to present my selection of the most important extracts. I believe it will bring back great memories to those who played the game, and I hope it will also please those who haven’t.

Jan Valta
Warhorse Studios
編成 Oboe/Piano

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