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J.S.バッハ/ソナタ ト短調 BWV 1020 (Alto Sax/Piano)《輸入サックス楽譜》

Sonata G Minor BWV 1020

商品番号 WL1199

グレード 上級

出版社 Universal


¥6,435税込 ¥7,150税込
編曲者 John Harle(ジョン・ハール)
作曲者 Johann Sebastian Bach(ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハ)
シリーズ 木管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 アルト・サックス/ピアノ
ページ数 30
解説 This is a fine example of how a Baroque sonata can be successfully transcribed for a more modern instrument such as the saxophone. John Harle has done a first-class job and has produced a transcription that lends itself perfectly to the characteristics of the instrument. This publication has been set on many of the top examination syllabuses worldwide and has also proved to be a popular choice on many recital programmes. (James Rae)
編成 Alto Sax/Piano
