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Flute concerto in D major Wq 13

商品番号 WL970

出版社 Breitkopf & Hartel


¥5,742税込 ¥6,380税込
作曲者 Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach(カール・フィリップ・エマヌエル・バッハ)
シリーズ 木管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 フルート/ピアノ
ページ数 40
校訂者 Ulrich Leisinger
校訂者訳 ウルリヒ・ライジンガー
解説 The work heretofore listed under ”Wq 13/H.416” has been known as the Harpsichord Concerto in D major . However, the solo part is anything but idiomatic for that instrument, on which C.P.E. Bach was highly proficient. The collections of the Berliner Sing-Akademie, which are now accessible once again, offer proof that the work was originally a flute concerto. Ulrich Leisinger, who has been a peerless connoisseur of the oeuvre of this important composer for many years now, has prepared this first edition on the basis of the two surviving copies.
解説2 ※出版社都合により、納期にお時間をいただく場合がございます
編成 Flute/Piano
