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Larghetto for Trombone

商品番号 BL929

グレード 3

出版社 Winwood Music


編曲者 Michael Clack(マイケル・クラック)
作曲者 Michael Haydn(ミヒャエル・ハイドン)
シリーズ 金管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 トロンボーン/ピアノ
解説 ミヒャエル・ハイドンはフランツ・ヨーゼフ・ハイドンの弟で、多くの協奏曲を作曲しています。

Like Leopold Mozart, who wrote serenades and serenatas featuring solo instruments Michael Haydn wrote sinfonias containing concertante type movements. This larghetto, the third movement of an incomplete sinfonia or serenade now lost, dates from the second half of the eighteenth century and is an example of his accessible, lyrical style. This performing edition was transcribed for tenor trombone and piano from what is thought to be the only autograph manuscript, housed in the ‘Musikarchiv’ of the Benedictine Abbey in Gottweg, Lower Austria. The pitch has been lowered by a fourth from the original F major, and editorial dynamic and expressions have been added without comment. Accidentals which may have been included by musica ficta are given above or below the notes to which they might apply and may be incorporated at the performer’s discretion.
編成 Trombone/Piano
