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Le Petit N gre

商品番号 AW657

グレード 3

演奏時間 1分45秒

出版社 Winwood Music


編曲者 Eric Wilson(エリック・ウィルソン)
作曲者 Claude Debussy(クロード・ドビュッシー)
シリーズ 木管アンサンブル
編成概要 サックス四重奏
解説 原曲はピアノのための作品で、とても人気があり、アンコールとしてよく演奏されます。

I arranged this piece many years ago for the Mistral Saxophone Quartet and it has languished in a drawer for so long that I almost forgot about it. It was one of many arrangements I made at that time when the repertoire for saxophone quartet was very limited.

It’s a jaunty little piece, originally for piano, and still a popular concert item often used as an encore. I’ve tried to distribute the interest around the players: the trick is to blend as much as possible in the legato passages the honky sounds are deliberate, so have some fun!
編成 Soprano Saxophone/Alto Saxophone/Tenor Saxophone/Baritone Saxophone
