シリーズ | ギター(ポップス/ロック) |
編成概要 | ギター |
収録曲リスト | Angel/Back/On/The/Chain/Gang/Beautiful/Black/Horse/And/The/Cherry/Tree/Come/To/My/Window/Crazy/On/You/Fever/Girls/With/Guitars/Give/Me/One/Reason/How/Was/I/To/Know/I/Love/Rock/’N/Roll/It/Matters/To/Me/It’s/Too/Late/Landslide/Leather/And/Lace/Love/Sneakin’/Up/On/You/Mean/Not/A/Pretty/Girl/Proud/Mary/Soak/Up/The/Sun/We/Got/The/Beat/You/Oughta/Know/You’re/Still/The/One |
ページ数 | 64 |
解説 | Finally, a guitar method designed specifically for girls that teaches how to play using real songs by the world’s most popular female artists and songwriters! This fun and easy-to-use book/CD pack will get you strumming chords and singing your favorite songs in no time, without even having to read music. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a budding songwriter, you’ll gain many valuable tools as you progress through the book, which is loaded with inspirational quotes and words of encouragement. Topics covered include: guitar basics, tuning, basic chords, strumming techniques, chord alternatives, power chords, tab, single-string picking, palm muting, using a capo, creative songwriting ideas, and more! |
解説2 | 今の世の中にはギターを抱え素晴らしい演奏を聴かせてくれるミュージシャンがいっぱいいるよね。そんな彼女たちに憧れてギターを始める女の子も多い。けれど何から初めて良いんだろう…。そんな声に応えるのがこの1冊!! アコースティック、エレキ問わず、女の子のためのギター曲集と言うコンセプトで制作。CDとセットで詳しく解説してくれる本書は君にとって最高のギタリストとしての入り口になってくれるよ!! |
編成 | Guitar |