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Steve Vai - The Story of Light

商品番号 GTP8001

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥5,247税込 ¥5,830税込
アーティスト Steve Vai(スティーブ・ヴァイ)
シリーズ ギター(ポップス/ロック)
編成概要 ギター
収録曲リスト Book of the Seven Seals/Creamsicle Sunset/Gravity Storm/ John the Revelator /The Moon and I /Mullach a’tSi/No More Amsterdam/Racing the World/Sunshine Electric Raindrops/Velorum/Weeping China Doll
ページ数 200
解説 The Story of Light is the second installment in the Real Illusions planned trilogy, a “multi-layered melange based on the amplified mental exaggerations of a truth-seeking madman who sees the world through his own distorted perceptions.” Play every epic note on Vai’s 2012 release with these authentic transcriptions. Includes the title track and: Book of the Seven Seals Creamsicle Sunset Gravity Storm John the Revelator The Moon and I Mullach a’tSi No More Amsterdam Racing the World Sunshine Electric Raindrops Velorum Weeping China Doll.
編成 Guitar
