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Episodes for Percussion Trio

商品番号 AP65

グレード 4

演奏時間 10分45秒

出版社 Wimbeldom


¥4,565税込 ¥5,500税込
作曲者 John H. Beck(ジョン・H・ベック)
シリーズ 打楽器アンサンブル
編成概要 打楽器三重奏
解説 A quote from the composer best describes this piece: ”Episodes explores rhythmic and timbre possibilities of three percussionists with a minimum of instruments.” A brief introduction features improvisation by each player. Episode I is slow and stately, requiring rhythmic interplay between the players. This moves to a presto section, which has improvised solos by each member. Episode II is played with the fingers and is fast and rhythmic. The third Episode features keyboard instruments and utilizes cross rhythms and melodic material shared by each player. The work closes with a fast, driving rhythmic section. Each player performs from a score and the print is clearly presented. Although Episodes is rhythmically challenging, it is within the ability of an advanced high school or young college ensemble. The improvised sections lead to creativity and musical expression.
解説2 【使用楽器】
xylophone, vibraphone, orchestra bells, temple blocks, suspended cymbal, snare drums(2), tom- toms(4), timpani(2), bass drum
