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Buckets Ruckus (3Perc)

商品番号 AP241

グレード 2.5

演奏時間 2分10秒

出版社 C.Alan


¥4,109税込 ¥4,950税込
作曲者 Kit Mills(キット・ミルズ)
シリーズ 打楽器アンサンブル
編成概要 ボディ&ジャンク・パーカッション
解説 3人でバケツを使って演奏します。【楽譜通りの人数でなくても、大人数でパートに分かれて演奏できます】
Program Notes
The original intent for Buckets Ruckus was to be an adaptable piece for young percussion ensemble. As I worked on the work, I decided to create an exciting visual showpiece that any ensemble regardless of size or program budget would be able do, indoors or outdoors. It is an exciting bucket percussion showpiece for high school and advanced middle school ensembles, packed with fun visual effects. Because this piece is unusually customizable, creative ensembles and directors can try out their own ideas about stage set-up, additional visual effects, and even how to organize the music itself.

Use Buckets Ruckus as an eye- and ear-grabbing opener, closer, or interlude for percussion ensemble concerts, band concerts, halftime shows, or even just a quick appearance at a pep assembly, the school cafeteria or a community event. Using 3- or 5-gallon plastic buckets that you can easily obtain from your local restaurants or hardware supply stores, your ensemble of 3-18+ percussionists will grab the audience’s attention from the first bar and bring them to their feet in the last!

I hope you enjoy this fun and eye-grabbing piece, which is as much the performers’ as it is mine!

-Kit Mills
解説2 【編成】
3 - バケツ 3- or 5-gallon Buckets

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