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レット・ユア・スピリット・シング(ジルー) 吹奏楽譜

Let Your Spirit Sing

商品番号 UN1244

グレード 2.5

演奏時間 3分

出版社 Musica Propria


¥12,599税込 ¥15,180税込
作曲者 Julie Giroux(ジュリー・ジルー)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 Let Your Spirit Sing is rich in both texture and harmony. In a flowing 3/4, this beautiful piece offers the opportunity for sensitive playing in any age group.
編成 4 - Flute 1
4 - Flute 2
2 - Oboe
4 - B♭ Clarinet 1
4 - B♭ Clarinet 2
4 - B♭ Clarinet 3
2 - B♭ Bass Clarinet
2 - Bassoon
2 - E♭ Alto Saxophone 1
2 - E♭ Alto Saxophone 2
2 - B♭ Tenor Saxophone
1 - E♭ Baritone Saxophone
3 - B♭ Trumpet 1
3 - B♭ Trumpet 2
3 - B♭ Trumpet 3
4 - F Horn 1 & 2
3 - Trombone 1
3 - Trombone 2
3 - Trombone 3
2 - Baritone Horn B.C.
2 - Baritone Horn T.C.
4 - Tuba
1 - Timpani
3 - Percussion ( Bells, Suspended
Cymbal, Bass Drum)
