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輝く雲にうち乗りて~賛美歌「ヘルムズリー」による幻想曲(スパーク) 吹奏楽譜

With Clouds Descending

商品番号 UN1115

グレード 4

演奏時間 6分6秒

出版社 Anglo


¥28,215税込 ¥31,350税込
作曲者 Philip Sparke(フィリップ・スパーク)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 With Clouds Descending is a fantasy on the powerful Advent hymn Helmsley which is long associated with another Advent hymn - Wesley’s Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending. The hymn tune is divided into an introduction and three complete verses of Helmsley, which surround a slower central section, whose melody is derived from the last line of the hymn tune. Philip Sparke’s grade 4 arrangement of this majestic piece for Concert Band is equally suitable as a concert opener or a main concert piece.
