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交響曲第3番「カラー・シンフォニー」(スパーク) 吹奏楽譜

A Colour Symphony

商品番号 UN1114

グレード 6

演奏時間 26分4秒

出版社 Anglo


¥130,185税込 ¥144,650税込
作曲者 Philip Sparke(フィリップ・スパーク)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 Philip Sparke’s third symphony, A Colour Symphony, was commissioned by “sinfonischen blasorchester wehdel” conducted by Thomas Ratzek. In the four movements (white, yellow, blue and red) the composer creates links between the instrumentation and harmonic elements and the actual colour of the spectrum the movement stands for. In order to create the greatest richness possible, Philip Sparke used a very large instrumentation including low woodwinds, harp, piano and celli. A Colour Symphony is an impressive and iconic addition to the standard repertoire for large symphonic bands. Philip Sparke’s third symphony, A Colour Symphony, was commissioned by “sinfonischen blasorchester wehdel” conducted by Thomas Ratzek. In the five movements (white, yellow, blue, red and green) the composer creates links between the instrumentation and harmonic elements and the actual colour of the spectrum the movement stands for. In order to create the greatest richness possible, Philip Sparke used a very large instrumentation including low woodwinds, harp, piano and celli. A Colour Symphony is an impressive and iconic addition to the standard repertoire for large symphonic bands.
