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ブルガリアの踊り~アルフレッド・リード氏を追悼して (チェザリーニ) 吹奏楽譜

Bulgarian Dances -In Memoriam Alfred Reed-

商品番号 UN1323

グレード 5

演奏時間 11分11秒

出版社 Mitropa


¥40,392税込 ¥44,880税込
作曲者 Franco Cesarini(フランコ・チェザリーニ)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 Bulgarian Dances is a free rhapsody, divided into four distinct movements based on famous Bulgarian folk songs. These songs have a very old tradition and stem from both the antique world of Byzantium and even earlier in the ancient and mysterious civilization of the Thrace region. In the beginning they were monodic songs, then diaphonic, with characteristic dissonances of major and minor seconds which make them unique. What also makes these songs so fascinating are seductive and complex irregular rhythms. The composer, while remaining faithful to the original spirit of the songs, has not hesitated to broaden the musical ideas, enriching them and making them more suitable to the rich palette of colours of contemporary concert bands. A terrific modern addition to the band repertoire.
