現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件


カラーズ・オブ・フォール (ロメイン) 吹奏楽譜

Colors of Fall

商品番号 UN1265

グレード 2.5

演奏時間 2分51秒

出版社 Barnhouse


¥12,599税込 ¥15,180税込
作曲者 Rob Romeyn(ロブ・ロメイン)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 As an outstanding example of lyric and expressive music for young bands, “Colors of Fall” is destined to become a mainstay for concert and festival use. Varied textures and changing tonal colors convey the image of breathtaking fall foliage. The beautiful and haunting melody is presented in a variety of ways melodically and harmonically, offering a wonderful opportunity for a mature and sophisticated sound for the young band as well as invaluable teaching opportunities. Don’t miss this outstanding lyric selection!
