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サキコの歌 (アッペルモント) 吹奏楽譜

Song for Sakiko

商品番号 UN1203

グレード 3

演奏時間 3分50秒

出版社 Beriato


¥20,295税込 ¥22,550税込
作曲者 Bert Appermont(ベルト・アッペルモント)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 This composition was made during my stay in the cosmopolitan metropolis of Tokyo. “Sakiko” roughly translated means “flower child” and is associated with a dreamy, poetic atmosphere. Appermont used these associations as a starting point while composing. Songs for Sakiko starts with a very lyrical theme based on a minor third that forms the basis for the entire work. A second theme builds up to the grand finale, which repeats the theme, but in a major key and the music slowly fades away, like ripples on a pond, as both themes can be heard dissipating into nothingness.
