現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件


ブリュッセル・ レクイエム (アッペルモント) 吹奏楽譜

A Brussels Requiem

商品番号 UN1157

グレード 6

演奏時間 16分25秒

出版社 Beriato


¥83,160税込 ¥92,400税込
作曲者 Bert Appermont(ベルト・アッペルモント)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 《出版社による解説》
The composition reflects on the tragic circumstances that arose from the series of terrorist attacks in the Belgian capital on March 12th 2016 that left 32 people dead and over 300 injured. However, in light of similar attacks in the UK, Europe and around the world since this time, the work also acts as a prescient touchstone on more immediate tragedies.

‘A Brussels Requiem’ is presented in four interlinked movements entitled ‘Innocence’, ‘In Cold Blood’, ‘In Memoriam We Shall Rise Again’ and ‘A New Day’. It does not describe the attacks but instead reflects on why the events occurred and the resultant complex emotions triggered by the raw fear as well as the more subtle anxieties in people’s attitudes and understanding of others; anger, grief and disbelief.

The composer pays tribute to the innocent lives lost in an emotive central section of remembrance, before bringing a passionate sense of hopefulness to the search for a new age of communal understanding.

This is achieved through the development of a linear narrative based on the children’s song, ‘Au Claire de la Lune’, which is used throughout; first as a symbol of innocence destroyed, but ultimately of potential redemption.

The composer also expresses his own personal hopefulness through a series of beautifully realised lyrical episodes and solos emphasising the gradual atmosphere of change that grows in determination and passion to overcome grief and sorrow.

This piece was commissioned by Brass Band Oberosterreich in Austria, it received its world premiere at the 2017 European Brass Band Championship in Oostende.
解説2 ノアの箱舟、ガリバー旅行記、交響曲第1番「ギルガメッシュ」など日本でも人気のベルギーの作曲家ベルト・アッぺルモントの作品です。

ブリュッセルはフランスのパリからも近く、曲中でフランス語の童謡「月の光に(Au Claire de la Lune)」の断片が曲全体を通して無実の象徴として使われ、無実の象徴として、曲の後半では復活の可能性を示すモチーフとなっていきます。
「罪もなく」「冷酷に」「追悼して - 我ら甦らん」「新たな日」の4つの楽章からなり全体で16分ほどの曲です。


編成 PiccoloFlute 1Flute 2Oboe 1Oboe 2English HornBassoon 1Bassoon 2Eb ClarinetBb Clarinet 1Bb Clarinet 2Bb Clarinet 3Eb Alto ClarinetBb Bass ClarinetBb Contrabass Clarinet (opt.)Bb Soprano SaxophoneEb Alto Saxophone 1Eb Alto Saxophone 2Bb Tenor SaxophoneEb Baritone SaxophoneBb Trumpet 1Bb Trumpet 2Bb Trumpet 3Bb Cornet 1Bb Cornet 2F Horn 1F Horn 2F Horn 3F Horn 4Eb Horn 1Eb Horn 2Eb Horn 3Eb Horn 4Trombone 1Trombone 2Bass TromboneBb Trombone 1 TCBb Trombone 1 BCBb Trombone 2 TCBb Trombone 2 BCBaritone / Euphonium 1Baritone / Euphonium 2Bb Baritone / Euphonium 1 TCBb Baritone / Euphonium 2 TCBb Baritone / Euphonium 1 BCBb Baritone / Euphonium 2 BCTubaEb Bass TCEb Bass BCBb Bass TCBb Bass BCString BassTimpaniPercussion 1Percussion 2Percussion 3Percussion 4
