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行進曲「スラブ女性との別れ」(アガプキン) 吹奏楽譜

Slavic Woman’s Farewell,The

商品番号 UC474

グレード 4

演奏時間 2分33秒

出版社 TRN


¥18,717税込 ¥22,550税込
編曲者 Timothy Rhea(ティモシー・レア)
作曲者 Vasilij Agapkin(ワシリー・アガプキン)
シリーズ 輸入クラシックアレンジ(中上級)
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 ”The Slavic Woman’s Farewell” is one of the best known marches in Russia and enjoyed immense popularity during World War I. Agapkin supposedly was inspired to write this march after having seen newsreels of the Balkan War. This present edition was prepared by Timothy Rhea for the Texas A & M University Symphonic Band for their February 1994 performance at the Texas Music Educator’s Association Convention in San Antonio, Texas. It was done using the original Russian band score as well as recordings by various Russian military bands.
