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ヨークシャー行進曲(ベートーヴェン)(スパーク編曲) 吹奏楽譜

York’scher Marsch

商品番号 UC473

グレード 3

演奏時間 3分15秒

出版社 Anglo


¥20,295税込 ¥22,550税込
編曲者 Philip Sparke(フィリップ・スパーク)
作曲者 Ludwig van Beethoven(ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン)
シリーズ 輸入クラシックアレンジ(中上級)
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 Beethoven’s York’scher Marsch is one of a collection of three tattoos (WoO 18-20) and has had a chequered history, to say the least. There are several autograph copies for different instrumentations, dedicated to different archdukes who were commanders of various regiments of the army including the Prussian regiment called Marsch des Yorkschen Corps, which is how its current title arose. Philip Sparke’s arrangement enables a march by this major classical composer to be enjoyed by concert bands.
