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演奏会用練習曲集 上級編(ユーフォニアム ト音記号譜表用)《CD付/スティーブン・ミード演奏》《輸入ユーフォニアム楽譜》

Steven Mead Presents: Advanced Concert Studies (T.C)

商品番号 BL771

グレード 上級

出版社 De Haske


¥4,950税込 ¥5,500税込
シリーズ 金管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 ユーフォニアム
ページ数 52
解説 A collection of 18 original concert studies from an all-star line up of brass composers, including Martin Ellerby, Rob Goorhuis, Jan Van der Roost and Philip Wilby. These studies will present a technical challenge to all but the most advanced euphonium players but the results are sure to be worth the effort needed to master them.
解説2 《収録曲》
Arpegietto [Van der Roost, Jan]
False Relations [Ellerby, Martin]
Sc nes Capricieuses [Waignein, Andr ]
The Quest [Schoonenbeek, Kees]
Cyberspace [Graham, Peter]
An Ancient Japanese Melody [Kuwahara, Hiroaki]
Solitaire [Schoonenbeek, Kees]
Smooth Operator [Ellerby, Martin]
Moments Contrastes [Waignein, Andr ]
Counterattack of Godzilla [Kuwahara, Hiroaki]
Partita Veneziana [Wilby, Philip]
Chain [Swerts, Piet]
Impatience [Sakai, Itaru]
Time zones [Graham, Peter]
El Moncayo [Hadermann, Jan]
Rapture [Goorhuis, Rob]
編成 Euphonium
