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打楽器アンサンブルのための協奏曲(ギリングハム)【打楽器十三重奏 + piano】《輸入打楽器アンサンブル》

Concerto for Percussion Ensemble

商品番号 AP250

グレード 4

演奏時間 17分

出版社 C.Alan


¥17,164税込 ¥20,680税込
作曲者 David Gillingham(デイヴィッド・ギリングハム)
シリーズ 打楽器アンサンブル
編成概要 打楽器十三重奏
解説 Cast in four major sections, Gillingham’s Concerto for Percussion Ensemble takes the listener on a journey through families of the percussion section membranes, woods & metals. He takes a simple 5-note motive and transforms it into a masterful staple in the percussion ensemble repertoire.
解説2 【編成】
Percussion 1 (2-octave crotales, large suspended cymbal, tambourine)
Percussion 2 (bells, chimes, snare drum)
Percussion 3 (xylophone, 4 bongos, bells)
Percussion 4 (3-octave vibraphone, temple blocks)
Percussion 5 (3-octave vibraphone, 4 woodblocks)
Percussion 6 (4.3-octave marimba)
Percussion 7 (4.3-octave marimba, triangle)
Percussion 8 (4.3-octave marimba, 4 cowbells)
Percussion 9 (4.5-octave marimba, large suspended cymbal)
Percussion 10 (5-octave marimba), large tam-tam)
Percussion 11 (4 congas, 2-pitch log drum, 5 brake drums, large suspended cymbal)
Percussion 12 (small bass drum, 3 concert toms, 2-pitch log drum, 5 nipple gongs)
Timpani (5 drums)
編成 13 Percussion + Piano
