作曲者 | Jan Van der Roost(ヤン・ヴァンデルロースト) |
シリーズ | 輸入オリジナル |
編成概要 | 吹奏楽 |
解説 | ニューヨーク・マンハッタンの多様な風景とエネルギーを描いた吹奏楽作品です。都市の喧騒や高層ビルの威容、セントラルパークの静けさなどが、リズミカルなビートと美しい旋律で表現されています。ジャズの要素や鮮やかなオーケストレーションが都会の活気を感じさせ、ドラマチックな展開が聴衆を魅了します。現代都市のダイナミズムと多彩な表情を映し出す一曲です。 (出版社のオリジナル解説) In this colourful composition, Jan van der Roost recreates the energetic and multi-racial city life in Manhattan, using four contrasting movements. The opening movement is rather short and rhytmical. In the second “Picture”, a variety of musical entities accumulate into a coloured “sound curtain”, on top of which the brass section presents a broad theme. In contrast to the two previous movements, the third movement is exremely quiet, featuring the first flute, clarinet an oboe in broad melodies. Again, the orchestration plays an essential role. Following on a majestic “tutti” (almost “movie-like....) the serenity of the very beginning reappears. Finally, the nervousness and dynamic style of the two first movements come back in an exciting apotheosis with rich and sometimes surprising instrumentation which explores the multiple possibilities of the large symphonic wind band to the full. |