現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件



The James Horner Collection

商品番号 PNP4163

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥2,310税込 ¥4,620税込
作曲者 James Horner(ジェームズ・ホーナー)
シリーズ ピアノ(ポップス/ロック)
編成概要 ピアノ/ヴォーカル/ギター
収録曲リスト All Love Can Be (from the DreamWorks film A BEAUTIFUL MIND)/All Systems Go (from APOLLO 13)/Becoming One Of “The People” / Becoming One With Neytiri (from the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture AVATAR)/Becoming Spider-Man (from the Motion Picture THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)/Casper’s Lullaby (from CASPER)/Cocoon (Theme) (from COCOON)/Courage Under Fire (Theme)/Theme From ’Field Of Dreams’ (from FIELD OF DREAMS)/For The Love Of A Princess (from the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture BRAVEHEART)/I See You (Theme From Avatar) (from the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture AVATAR)/I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You (from the TriStar Motion Picture THE MASK OF ZORRO)/If We Hold On Together (from THE LAND BEFORE TIME)/The Land Before Time - End Credits (from the Universal Motion Picture THE LAND BEFORE TIME)/The Ludlows (from TriStar Pictures’ LEGENDS OF THE FALL)/My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From ’Titanic’) (from the Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture TITANIC)/Somewhere Out There (from AN AMERICAN TAIL)/Star Trek(R) II - The Wrath Of Khan (Theme from the Paramount Motion Picture STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN)/Then You Look At Me (from Touchstone Pictures’ and Columbia Pictures’ BICENTENNIAL MAN (a Chris Col)/Wallace Courts Murron (from the Motion Picture BRAVEHEART)/Where Are You Christmas? (from DR. SEUSS’ HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS)
ページ数 96
解説 ジェームズ・ホーナーの名前を知らずとも、「タイタニック」や「アバター」、「アポロ13」など彼が作曲を手掛けた曲は誰もが耳にしたことがあるのではないだろうか。あの感動のシーンのあの曲をあなたの手で。
解説2 「P/V/G Composer Collection」シリーズ....ピアノ二段譜とヴォーカル譜の載った楽譜です。ひとつひとつのコードネームにギターでの押さえ方付き。弾き語りや歌の伴奏、簡単なセッションなどにどうぞ。
編成 Piano/Vocal/Guitar
