作曲者 | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト) |
シリーズ | ピアノ(クラシック) |
編成概要 | ピアノ |
ページ数 | 128 |
校訂者 | Robert Teichmuller |
校訂者訳 | ロベルト・タイヒミュラー |
解説 | This edition of Mozart’s piano sonatas has been prepared for practical use. The editor Robert Teichm ller (1863 1939) was a student of Carl Reinecke and worked as a pianist and professor for piano at the Leipzig Academy of Music ”Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” (at that time Royal Conservatory and from 1924 State Conservatory of Music in Leipzig). Among his students were great names such as G nther Ramin, Sigfrid Karg-Elert and Rudolf Mauersberger. The publication of his instructive editions on Mozart’s and Reger’s piano works testifies to his esteem in musical life at the beginning of the 20th century. With the new printing of Mozart’s piano sonatas, Breitkopf & H rtel offers an insight into the performance practice of around 1900. Since Teichm ller took the musical text of the Urtext edition (Breitkopf & H rtel) and the then current Mozart Complete Edition as a basis marking all his additions, this edition is interesting for pianists not only for educational and interpretative, but also for historical reasons. In addition to fingerings and additional articulations, the musical text also contains examples of the execution of the numerous ornaments. |
解説2 | Breitkopf & Hartel(ブライトコップ & ヘルテル社) 1719年にドイツ・ライプツィヒで創業の楽譜出版社。現存する楽譜出版社としては最も歴史が長いことでも知られる。「全集版(Complete Edition)」と呼ばれる作曲家別の作品集を研究し出版したのもこの会社が最初で、現在、1000人の作曲家による8000曲の楽譜と、15000冊の書籍を取り扱っている。 ※出版社都合により、納期にお時間をいただく場合がございます |
編成 | Piano Solo |