作曲者 | Claude Debussy(クロード・ドビュッシー) |
シリーズ | ピアノ(クラシック) |
編成概要 | ピアノ(原典版) |
収録曲リスト | Preludes II/Six Epigraphes antiques/Berceuse heroique/Pour l’ uvre du “Vetement du blesse”/Douze Etudes/Elegie |
ページ数 | 206 |
校訂者 | Ernst-Gunter Heinemann |
校訂者訳 | エルンスト・ギュンター・ハイネマン |
運指研究者 | Hans-Martin Theopold |
運指研究者訳 | ハンス=マルティン・セオポールド |
解説 | To mark the 150th anniversary of Debussy’s birth in 2012, we are proud to present a tribute to his piano solo works in three volumes, available as a paperbound or a clothbound edition. As a publishing house whose main focus is on piano music, it was important for us to give a special place to the works of Claude Debussy, the innovator of piano style. Thus since the early 1980s we have steadily been publishing single editions of all of Debussy’s important works for the piano. Our editor Ernst-G nter Heinemann has worked closely with the French Debussy scholar Fran ois Lesure to present Debussy’s elaborate music in high quality Urtext editions. Beginning with the ”Danse boh mienne” from 1880, all of the single works from our catalogue have been drawn together in these three volumes, arranged according to their date of composition. And as a little ”encore” we have included the Pr lude to the cantata ”La Damoiselle lue” in volume I. Each of the three volumes contains true highlights for the piano. But the short and lesser known works also offer a glimpse at the modern classical composer Debussy from a different angle. In addition each volume contains a helpful glossary with all of Debussy’s often very vivid performance instructions translated into English and German. |
解説2 | ヘンレ原典版とは.....ドイツの名門出版社ヘンレは「作曲者自身の書いた自筆譜を検証し、出来るだけ原典に近づける」をコンセプトに専門家が十分な時間をかけて丁寧につくりあげた譜面を出版しています。また、ただ原典に忠実なだけではなく、その計算された美しいレイアウトは非常に読みやすく、世界中のプロのピアニスト・指導者・研究者・音大生などの圧倒的支持を得ています。 |
編成 | Piano |