シリーズ | ピアノ(ポップス/ロック) |
編成概要 | ピアノ/ヴォーカル/ギター |
収録曲リスト | America’s Aviation Hero (from ”The Aviator”)/Battle of the Heroes (from ”Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith”)/Believe (from ”The Polar Express”)/Believer (from ”Be Cool”)/Blue Morgan (from ”Million Dollar Baby”)/Breakaway/Corpse Bride (Main Title)/Corynorhinus (from ”Batman Begins”)/Do the Hippogriff (from ”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”)/Everything Burns (from ”Fantastic Four”)/Good Ol’ Boys (from ”The Dukes of Hazzard”)/Hogwarts’ Hymn (from ”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”)/Magic Works (from ”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”)/The Harshest Place on Earth (Opening Theme from ”The March of the Penguins”)/Remains of the Day (from ”Corpse Bride”)/Star Wars (Main Title)(スター・ウォーズ~メインテーマ)/This Is the Night (from ”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”)/Victor’s Piano Solo (from ”Corpse Bride”)/Wonka’s Welcome Song (from ”Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”)/Al Otro Lado del Rio (from ”The Motorcycle Diaries”) |
解説 | 2005年から2006年を彩ったヒット映画のピアノ曲集です。名曲多数収録、誰もが楽しめる一冊です。 |
編成 | Piano/Vocal/Guitar |