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フェイバー・ピアノ・アドベンチャーズ: Level 2 B - レッスン・ブック(第2版)(CDのみ)(初級ピアノ)《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

Faber Piano Adventures - Level 2 B - Lesson Book - 2nd Edition(Only CD)

商品番号 PNP8077

グレード 初級

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥2,556税込 ¥3,080税込
編曲者 Nancy Faber/Randall Faber(ナンシー・フェイバー/ランダル・フェイバー)
シリーズ ピアノ(教則本)
編成概要 ピアノ
解説 This compact disc contains orchestrated background accompaniments for the pieces in the Piano Adventures Level 2B Lesson Book. Each selection in the book is played twice: first at a slow practice tempo and then at performance tempo. The piano part is included in the slow track. For the performance track, the piano part is omitted or is in the background, allowing the student to be the featured performer.

The Enhanced CD also includes standard MIDI files that can be accessed with a computer. When used with your software, keyboard, or synthesizer, the MIDI files allow you to adjust tempos, isolate track playbacks, and transpose to different keys.

Special bonus: MIDI files for the Piano Adventures Level 2B Performance Book and the Level 2B Technique & Artistry Book are also included on this CD.
編成 Piano/Keyboard
