現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件


ヒール (スミス) 吹奏楽譜


商品番号 UN1293

グレード 4

演奏時間 5分18秒

出版社 Barnhouse


¥22,825税込 ¥27,500税込
作曲者 Robert W. Smith(ロバート・W・スミス)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 Suite for the Heroes Among Us is a musical tribute from master composer Robert W. Smith to the everyday heroes that dedicate their lives to the care and protection of us all. The second movement Heal is dedicated to the medical professionals that care for us each and every day. We owe an eternal debt of gratitude to the doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, hospital workers and others who give selflessly of their time and talent for the greater good of all. A emotionally powerful musical statement that is programmable and appropriate in every community in the world.
