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ハイドン曲集1・シャーム編集による(中級ピアノ 《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

Haydn-Schaum, Book One

商品番号 PNC621

グレード 中級

出版社 Alfred


¥1,485税込 ¥1,650税込
編曲者 John W. Schaum(ジョン・W・シャーム)
作曲者 Franz Joseph Haydn(フランツ・ヨーゼフ・ハイドン)
シリーズ ピアノ(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ
解説 In their original form most of the Haydn compositions are usable by only very gifted musicians. In compiling this book Mr. Schaum has kept in mind the ideal of democratizing Haydn’s music by making his oratorios, cantatas, songs, and symphonies playable for the average pianist. Through changed titles, the pupil gains a historical background while the biographical additions add color and charm. Only dependable references were used for the biographical data, and, as far as is known, it is historically true. Book 1 is to be used with the Schaum B Book and Adult II. Book 2 is to be used with the Schaum F Book.
編成 Piano
