シリーズ | ピアノ(クラシック) |
編成概要 | ピアノ |
収録曲リスト | A Little Joke (Dmitri Kabalevsky)/Allegretto (Anton Diabelli)/Andantino (Igor Stravinsky)/Bagatelle (Anton Diabelli)/Burleske (Leopold Mozart)/Country (Dance Franz Joseph Haydn)/Ecossaise (Ludwig van Beethoven)/Fanfare (William Duncombe)/Folk Song (Bela Bartok)/German Dance (Franz Joseph Haydn)/German Dance I (Ludwig van Beethoven)/German Dance II (Ludwig van Beethoven)/Gypsy Dance (Franz Joseph Haydn)/L’arabesque (Johann Freidrich Burgm ller)/March (Dmitri Shostakovich)/March (Jeremiah Clarke)/Minuet (Bela Bartok)/Minuet (Jean-Philippe Rameau)/Minuet (Leopold Mozart)/Minuet (Leopold Mozart)/Minuet in C (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)/Musette (Johann Sebastian Bach)/Musette (Johann Sebastian Bach)/Playing Soldiers (Vladimir Rebikov)/Restlessness (Johann Freidrich Burgm ller)/Russian Folk Song I (Ludwig van Beethoven)/Russian Folk Song II (Ludwig van Beethoven)/Scherzo (Dmitri Kabalevsky)/Soldier’s March (Robert Schumann)/The Vagabond (Bela Bartok) |
校訂者 | Paul Sheftel |
校訂者訳 | ポール・シフテル |
解説 | The ”very best,” the ”cream of the cream.” These late-elementary to early-intermediate pieces were selected for their beauty as well as for their appropriateness as classical repertoire study at an early stage. Composers include J. S. Bach, Beethoven, Clarke, Diabelli, Duncombe, Rameau, and Schumann. |
編成 | Piano |