現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件



Sacred Collection, The /High Voice

商品番号 VOC41

出版社 Hal Leonard


¥4,554税込 ¥5,060税込
編曲者 Richard Walters(リチャード・ウェルタース)
シリーズ 声楽(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ/ヴォーカル/ギター
ページ数 312
解説 色々な作曲家の宗教音楽を集めた高声用の曲集です。ビゼーのアニュス・デイ、フランクのアヴェ・マリア、荘厳ミサ曲より天使の糧、バッハの平均律の前奏曲を伴奏に、ラテン語の歌詞を付けて作曲したことで有名なグノーのアヴェ・マリア、シュテルツェル作曲のあなたがそばにいたら等、美しい曲が多数収められています。他に、リチャード・ウェルタースのアレンジによる民謡や讃美歌、5つのデュエット曲も含まれています。

Agnus Dei (G. Bizet)
Ah, Holy Jesus
All Creatures of Our God and King (duet) (arr. R. Walters)
Ave Maria (Bach
Ave Maria (C. Franck)
SCHUBERT - Ave Maria
Balm in Gilead (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Be Near Me Still (F. Hiller)
Be Thou My Vision (arr. R. Walters)
Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) (G.H. St lzel, previously attributed to J.S. Bach)
By an’ By (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
By the Waters of Babylon (A. Dvor k)
Clouds and Darkness (A. Dvor k)
Come, Thou Fount of Ev’ry Blessing (arr. R. Walters)
Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Crucifixus (J.B. Faure)
Dank sei Dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) (S. Ochs, previously attributed to G.F. Handel)
Deep River (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Don’t You Weep When I’m Gone (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee (C. Gounod)
Evening Hymn (H. Purcell)
Evening Prayer (E. Humperdinck)
Go Down, Moses (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Go, Tell It on the Mountain (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
God Is My Shepherd (A. Dvor k)
Gospel Train, The (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
He That Keepeth Israel (A. Schl sser)
He’s Just the Same Today (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Hear My Prayer (A. Dvor k)
Hear My Prayer, O Lord (A. Dvor k)
Holy City, The (F.E. Weatherly and S. Adams)
How Can I Keep from Singing (duet) (arr. R. Walters)
How Firm a Foundation (arr. R. Walters)
I Don’t Feel No-Ways Tired (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
I Stood on the River of Jordan (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
I Want to Be Ready (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
I Will Lift Mine Eyes (A. Dvor k)
I Will Sing New Songs (A. Dvor k)
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring(主よ、人の望みの喜びよ) (J.S. Bach)
Just a Closer Walk with Thee (arr. R. Walters)
Let Us Break Bread Together (arr. R. Walters)
Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Little David, Play on Your Harp (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Lord, Thou Art My Refuge (A. Dvor k)
My Lord, What a Mornin’ (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
My Way’s Cloudy (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Now Thank We All Our God (arr. R. Walters)
O Divine Redeemer (C. Gounod)
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing (arr. R. Walters)
O Rocks, Don’t Fall on Me (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Oh, Didn’t It Rain (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Palms, The (J.B. Faure)
Panis Angelicus (C. Franck)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (arr. R. Walters)
Sing Ye a Joyful Song (A. Dvor k)
Sinner, Please Don’t Let This Harvest Pass (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Steal Away (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
There Is a Green Hill Far Away (C. Gounod)
This Is My Father’s World (arr. R. Walters)
Tis Me, O Lord (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Turn Thee to Me (A. Dvor k)
Wade in the Water (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder (duet) (arr. R. Walters)
Weepin’ Mary (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
Wondrous Love (duet) (arr. R. Walters)
You May Bury Me in the East (arr. H.T. Burleigh)
解説2 「Vocal Collection」シリーズ....ピアノ二段譜とヴォーカル譜の載った楽譜です。弾き語りや歌の伴奏などにどうぞ。
編成 Solo Vocal
