作曲者 | Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy(フェリックス・メンデルスゾーン) |
シリーズ | オルガン |
編成概要 | オルガン |
収録曲リスト | Organ Sonata A major op. 65/Organ Sonata B flat major op. 65/Organ Sonata c minor op. 65/Organ Sonata f minor op. 65/Organ Sonata D major op. 65/Organ Sonata d minor op. 65 |
ページ数 | 94 |
校訂者 | Hubert Meister |
校訂者訳 | ヒューバート・メイスター |
運指研究者 | Wolfgang Stockmeier |
運指研究者訳 | ウルフギャング・ストックメイヤー |
解説 | It is fully justifiable to claim that Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy is the foremost German church-music composer of the 19th century. This is due above all to his many sacred vocal works in various formats and to his many compositions for the organ.The most important among them are without a doubt the six Organ Sonatas op. 65, which have become an indispensable component of the general organ repertoire. The spark was possibly lit by two English publishers who thrilled by Mendelssohn’s organ playing ordered various organ pieces in different formats from the composer.These pieces were written in 1844/45 and then collated to form six organ sonatas. However, they did not constitute sonatas in the strict sense of the word, but rather suites. In their multiplicity of forms reminiscent of chorales and lieder, of polyphonic and virtuoso pieces they form a genuine compendium of organ playing. |
解説2 | ヘンレ原典版とは.....ドイツの名門出版社ヘンレは「作曲者自身の書いた自筆譜を検証し、出来るだけ原典に近づける」をコンセプトに専門家が十分な時間をかけて丁寧につくりあげた譜面を出版しています。また、ただ原典に忠実なだけではなく、その計算された美しいレイアウトは非常に読みやすく、世界中のプロのピアニスト・指導者・研究者・音大生などの圧倒的支持を得ています。 |
編成 | Organ |