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Sonata in D major

商品番号 BL646

出版社 Breitkopf & Hartel


¥4,455税込 ¥4,950税込
作曲者 Jacques Paisible(ジャック・ペジブル)
シリーズ 金管ソロ(クラシック)
編成概要 トランペット二重奏/ピアノ
ページ数 28
校訂者 Carolyn Sanders/Ann Knipschild
校訂者訳 キャロライン・サンダーズ/アン・ニップチャイルド
解説 Most of Paisible’s music is instrumental in nature, written primarily for the theatre. The Sonata for two trumpets may well have been composed as music for a theatrical production, or possibly for a concert or festive celebration. The original title, Sonata for Two Trumpets or Oboes, Two Violines, Tenor aiid Basses , indicates the solo parts may be performed by either instrument. lt should be noted, however, that Paisible very likely conceived the composition for natural trumpet, given that the character of the solo parts is typical of English trumpet music during this period, and in addition, all of the notes in the solo parts are accessible on that instrument.
編成 2 Trumpets/Piano
